Thursday, January 17, 2008

multi-tasking..women do it well!

Touch and how massage connects with the energy of the universe. In a crowd I feel the energy of the people When Hillary won New Hampshire I felt the feminine power..they too were touched by her moment of touch (heart touch in this case). I'm worried. I like Obama, but it bothers me that he can't find papers...that tells me his mind is confused and scrambled. We all know women can multitask..we do it all the time. Working on one thing and planning for another. It's what we do on a daily basis, taking care of job, home, family and making sure the kids have their homework done..paying bills. Women are peacefull too.. problem solvers...mediators. Women are in touch with their energy and the energy of the it intuition.. We all know that this country needs all the help it can get.

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