Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cigs vs. eateries...

Just where do smokers get OFF thinking they can control a proprietor's decisions. It's the smokers vs. the non-smokers (you know the people with the education and brains and insurance). Most smokers don't even have insurance. So guess who gets stuck with their health cost expenses - yeah, you, the taxpayers! Paying for people who have deliberately made themselves sick. They had a choice; but, they choose smoking and now you are paying for their medical bills - you the taxpayer!

And smokers expect you to inhale their smoke when you go out to eat in a restaurant. They think that they have the right to smoke up the air you breath. This does not seems right to me.

The smoker sitting at a restuarant featured in the newspaper said. "I come to this restaurant and bar every week and our tag is usually around $150. Do you want to lose my money?"

I said. "YES". Take your cigarette smoke somewhere else, preferrably your home, I don't want to inhale and smile the filthy stuff. How dare you pollute the air I am expected to breath. It's dirty and nasty and fowl. I truly believe that when this smoker guy leaves the restaurant, and others like him, for good..more non-smokers will patronize the establishment.

To you all honesty you don't look very bright sitting there blowing smoke. And look at all the money you are spending on this fifthy stuff.

Personally, I hope the majority of the people vote to end the smoking in public places.

Air pollution...can't stand it. In the early 1900's the Ford auto industry forced out the electric car even back then oil, government and auto and other big industries were in cahoots.

Where is my clean air? I'm a runner. I'm out there inhaling all this crap from the tailpipes of cars and there is no reason for me to have to do this. GM had electric cars in production and people who drove them loved them. But GM would only lease and wouldn't let people buy from the get-go GM didn't want the car to succeed. Well, auto, oil and government are all in cahoots. Sorry, electric companies, you just lose out.

The American public needs to demand the things that they want. We need to over haul the federal government.

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