Monday, November 20, 2006

Why am I inside today? It's beautiful out..

It's forty-six degrees out and sunny.. I need to be heading down to the gym. I can't believe it's 1:30 PM already! Damn!

Yesterday I ran five to and from the gym and while there swam and worked out. I hate when I don't get my workout in.

I'll see what I can do! Working out clears my mind and it seems everything flows evenly and naturally after I work out. Only after I work out do my thought become clear and focused.

I need to do one thing and then quickly decide my next move for today.

Lap swim at the gym is until 3:30 PM.. so I best be moving along.

This evening at 7:30 PM is Meditation and I so want to go to that. Spiritually I want to move to a higher level of consciousness and clarity. I want to develop my natural inner powers and gifts. I have already risen to a higher plane but I want to rise even higher. I've gotten past the material plane on to the collective plane; that is, that we are all part of the big picture, the whole of the universe. We are all connected.

I have a friend who sees ghosts. She is very calm and comfortable with herself. She knows where she is coming from. She tells me her last two partners could read her mind. I suggested that the universe connected them because they are on the same plane. Am I close to being there myself? Was she and I brought together for a purpose? And then on the other hand, was the youngest one and I brought together for a reason? All I know is it appears that the group of people, that organization, I belong too is indeed magical. And I was so in love the summer before! Imagine!

Life is so mystical and exciting. I just saw a picture too, of the good doctor. It makes me miss her. What was the reason for that? Why did we see each other in pasting a year later? Too know we each were doing okay! What was the reason for me to tell her how I felt? Maybe, someday I'll find out?

Love is funny in a way. We create our own loves in our own minds. Because why would someone be so favorable one minute and then a year later, perhaps, fall out of favor? The person themselves probably didn't change. Maybe, we got to know them a little better? Or maybe we change. Maybe I changed? Who knows? Anyway, I must get going!


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