Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where's the Snow?

It never snowed? Fine with me! I hate running in the snow! It's cold and my bed is warm; I'm sleeping in. I was going to meet a someone with whom to walk in the morning..but she can't make it because she has to pack up her things. She and her partner of ten years or calling it quits and selling the house. So, I'll probably get with her sometime this weekend and see a cheery movie and go out to eat.

I'm a little depressed today. I didn't get to see my friend. I miss her. She gives me love. She makes me feel loved. She holds me close and for a long time. I'm sad today. I don't know when or if I'll get to see her again.

Oh, I'll be okay. I really don't expect anything from life or people and it's all happened before in past years. Hey, I've had worse situation. Like when I was so much in love with someone and couldn't tell them. They didn't have a clue. Hey, that was most of my life. A life spent with an aching, longing heart. Love suppressed by rules and commandments. Emotions, all emotions, were sinful and wrong and evil. Black or white, good or bad, heaven or hell. I hate the church!

Church and state are not separate and just as in cahoots as it's been for centuries. Someone creates the rules and everyone is expected to follow the rules or be ostracized. Burned at the stack for speaking your mind.

Life has been very hard! And yet, I've been very fortunate and blessed. I thank the universe for all of my many blessings.


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