Friday, November 17, 2006


Remember we create our own realities! I'm young, strong, fast, healthy, wise, wealthy, loved, and brilliant. Oh and funny! Add light hearted and entertaining as well.

Young women are crazy about me. I say young women because most women my age are fat, sickly and on medication and therefore not interested in life or sex. Trust me I know some. Life can be so unhappy. But, they have created that type of environment. I am so sorry that they have not seen the truth; that our realities are created by ourselves. They merely seen other women their age who are just as un-enlightened and so they mimic them. We are and act as we think we should for a certain age.

Now, I truly believe that sixty is the new thirty. I am having a blast! I love life! As long as my young friend let me hang around them..I am. I love it. They laugh, joke and have fun. They are as alive as I am.

I used to think it was because I had to live the straight life in my 20's and 30's that now since I"m out, I want the company of young women. But, I really do not think that that is truly it. I think I just enjoy their light heartedness. If I hear another woman my age say. "Oh, I'm too old for that." I'll puke! See why I don't want to be around them? They are old...they have made themselves old..not the universe, not life, not other people; but, they themselves alone!
Too bad! Big mistake, I feel and a big waste of good life!

Got to go! I just cheered myself on to run five miles up to the gym where I'll swim, work out and then run five miles back home. This evening, I'll be dancing at the lesbian bar with my young friends. I love life!

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