Thursday, November 02, 2006

That's What I get..

I let it all up to the universe and my life is now full of surprises..but magical!

I had a great evening with great friends. They learned a lot about me this evening. We were speaking about sex and things, as usual. One asked what type of woman we prefer. It got around to me and I was rather speakless. Well, it just a little tough to answer without any notice. B-bop says like so and so. Who?

Well then I had to tell the story. It was okay. I still love B-bop. You would have thought E. F. Hutton was speaking the way they all scooted their chairs up closer. Oh well!

I'm just a little shy when it comes to personal things like sex. So, I guess I'm getting more than a lot of younger single women! I had no idea! I guess life is magical!

I know the powers of the universe are getting a big kick out of this. I can tell they have a wonderful sense of humor. Of course if B-bop spills the beans but it's okay..I love her deary so she can get away with anything. Actually, I think her doing so brought us even closer together. She is magical in herself. I love her deary. Universe please send her someone very sweet who would never hurt her. Someone just as sweet as she is - okay?

Besides I guess she owes me an embarrassing moment. God knows I embarrassed her good a couple of weeks ago at the bar. I drank my drinks a little to fast...I was going to tell her something so I leaned close so she could hear about the lough music then suddenly it was just right there so I decided to kiss her cheek instead. "You're so cute!" I said. I embarrassed the hell out of her. For that I apologized profusely. And I believe she got me back this evening. But, kissing her cheek: Priceless!

So, went my evening. I managed to be life of the evening...once again. Every once in a while I pull something crazy. A month or so ago I went to a bonfire and took my guitar but drank maybe one too many before hand. Not bad; but, I wonder? I had one witty line I thought as I passed around margaritas for everyone in a handy dandy plastic flask. You would have thought I was selling them the way I bragged about the different flavors and the plastic bottle not breaking as I threw one down on the hard cold ground near the fire. Yes, I thought that I had one especially clever line and that was. "Just remember, the more you drink the better I sound." Another priceless moment...well I thought so anyway. I think they all got a big kick out of me singing and playing my guitar. I knew half the people there....well, there were only eight of us

The evening was magical.. I had prayed before that event too!

Remember be careful what you ask for; cause, you are more likely than now to receive it.

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