Saturday, October 14, 2006

I'd Rather Be Right Than Wrong ..

On this...that the economy and the stock market are up and gas prices are down due to the up and coming elections. As if the public doesn't have the where with all to figure this out! Cheney meets with energy people and doesn't tell us to was all invited to the party. Personally, I think the lobbyst are running the show.

Come on, America has seen what the GOP did to Clinton the moment he got into office. With tax payer's money, billions of it, they tried to dig up dirt and finally set him up with a fail proof young woman's temptation. He should have seen that coming! Wouldn't you know that the conservatives would choose the looses woman possible to put smack dab in front of him. For a Rhodes scholar he wasn't very smart in that area. Of course they don't teach you that in college and that thing has a mind of its own - I guess. Funny! She must have worked on him for a while until finally he caved. It all would make a great movie.

Speaking of movies, "Man of the Year" is a great political tongue in cheek comedy with seriousness and even suspense. I highly recommend it because Robin Williams as the comedian elected president speaks a lot of truth through satires as all comedians do. If you listen closely, you will hear a lot of truth being spoken through those jokes.

I think the American people are finally wising up; well, the ones who want to listen and learn. There are still many out there too trusting who are trying to live in the past and simply cannot believe that their president who send their love ones off to war over oil. Or, that the government is in cahoots with the auto and oil industry and that the lobbyist have them wrapped around their fingers at the expense of the average American tax payer.

What happens when the middle class dwindles down to match the poor class because all the middle class jobs have been shipped over seas? What happens when so many immigrants come to work for next to nothing? What happens to our economy then? I wonder?

We have a global economy now, it's new and has never been to this extent before. This is all new territory. So, just where is the tax base. Is IBM making more profits with it's buildings and workers in other countries and selling the USA short? You know they are going to go where profits are the greatest. Big corporations are not loyal to the USA. Why should they be? They are out to make money for the stock holders.

What about the other countries whose governments have their countries in chaos, like Africa, N. Korea and more. Should women come in and straighten out the mess men have made? The men are too busy punching and fighting and killing each other to see what they are doing to their women and children and their infrastructure. Frankly, I don't think they even care; they just want to fight! Look at Israel and Paksitan! These men are not happy unless they are killing each other. I say get rid of the men! I think a bunch of women, without male influence, (unlike Queen Elizabeth of old) should run the show. Women would get this house straightened up and the finances too.

But, men want to rule, dominate, conquer, and kill and be king of the hill so they push women side and hold them down and walk all over them. Know you know why men have kept equal rights away from women. Sixty years ago women had no rights, children diffinitely not. Women need to organize and get on board. It seems to me that the men are doing a lousy job. But, women are so easily influenced by men and were taught (by men of course) threw the centuries that men are superior in everyway. Actually, men only stomped out the competition; you know, like the Christains and Catholic have done for centuries. Kill the empty! Women need to open their eyes and unite.

So what is wrong with this picture? And why don't straight women vote for women? Why are they so petty. Through the centuries women have turned on their own instead of uniting. Women could have ruled!

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