Thursday, October 12, 2006

Old White MEN

are such a pain! They head religions and every aspect of government. They think they are king of the hill - and must be the boss. They think they know everything and have to TEACH others. They are always preaching. They hate what they fear. They fear what they do not understand like women and homosexuals. Fear it - kill it! Stomp on it! Stomp it out!

Then suddenly they hit old age and begin to shuffle along as if they are returning to infancy. Regressing. I saw several examples within the last few days. It seems women fair better as they age. Men cannot multi task like women so when they get old they can not talk and eat at the same time. They become silent eaters. I always feel sorry for their wives. When she attempts conversation he goes "What?".

Men think they are god, look at Jerry Farewell saying those awful things about abortion and homosexuals on 9 11 01. What a fool!

I hate religion! It teaches war, murder, negativity and turns people against one another. Abortion is bad but war is okay? What's because Christains have sided with our corporations supporting government. They are all on cahoots. Just follow the money!

It's all about white male power and that is why women have been kept down for hundreds of years. Men have to be big shots and empowered and dominating others.

Notice how politicans' sons and daughter do not go to war and probably the reason for the end of the draft. What the government does not if offer people $20,000. to enlist. Enlistment officers roam the streets of Detroit and other dying cities pressuring and coercing young men and women to enlist. So, the government creats war for corporation profits and enlist the poor to fight them. So, money made at the cost of the poor.

The middle class is shrinking, the number of poor rising and the rich are getting richer.

Yes, white men want to hold on to their wealth and power. They want to keep their huge gas guzzling SUV's and mansions.

I'm sure you have realized that gas is under 2.00 and probably will be until after the November elections. Now, you still believe that auto, oil and government are not in cahoots?

North Korea's Kim Jung Ill is a prime example. Trying like hell to get everyone's attention. Men are nothing but dangerous big babies demanding attention.

"Temping Faith" by David Kuo is on sale now. It's how the government takes ADVANTAGE of Christians. The government promised to give church's charity breaks but it never happens.

These religious groups who are pro-Bush and Republicans are ignorant as to their purpose. They are being used and tricked with false promises for the shear fact of getting votes.

And these people home school and brain wash their kids reproducing ignorance! Teaching them to hate gays. And they do it all in the name of religion. These poor kids have to preach about the coming of Jesus - when I don't really think that their is a Jesus. The power lies within. WE have the power to create our own realities. We do not need religion telling us we are sinners. Religious leaders cannot be leaders if they have no broken down sinners to correct and train and preach to. Oh, and to take your money - thank you very much!

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