Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bush asking for more money..

Bush is speaking now on CNN..he hasn't gotten to it yet, but he'll be asking for more money. CNN just went to a commercial. Funny!

Anyway Bush just said. "..we are all created equal.."

Oh you think so? What about Katrina? Watch gay marriage...we are tax payers too you know. What about women being paid only .70 for a man's 1.00 for doing the same job?

Bush lives in a dream world. Now that I know that perhaps 9 11 was an inside job, I almost want to snicker when I hear him say "after 9 11..." and "fighting the terrorist after 9 11"..

I think we all know who the real terrorist are...

My reference.."Terrorstorm" by Alex Jones. See the DVD. Actually, it's the first time I saw video of building seven going down. It was not hit by a plane. It went down just like the Stardust did in Las Vegas when the demolition team took it down with explosives. Yet nothing was said about any terrorist on the ground during 9 11..only in planes. Also I do think the plane that was aimed at the white house was really meant to ditch in the country side to begin with. There was a huge deal made somewhere.a huge deal..some how to get the guys to pull this one off..

I'm wondering where would congress get more money? We are already 30 trillion in debt. What other social benefits will be cut to accomodate this war for profit for companies.

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