Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Where are the scrupples?

Have people no manners? Do they just like to make themselves look stupid and ignorant on the air? In my opinion Don Imus needs to go. Rush Limbaugh needs to go. Michael Savage needs to go. Howard Stern needs to go. O'Reilly is a pain in the ass too! They are all bigots, racists, sexists, homophobics and hypocrites.

On the other hand the Rutger "ladies" are just that - ladies. THEY are educated, bright, intelligent women going places in their future. And I hope they do not even think of giving Don Imus the time of day to whin and cry. What a two bit big baby....LEAVE! GO AWAY!

What we have on our airwaves are ignorant men appealling to more ignorant men and perpetuating the downgrading of America. Hey, we look pretty stupid to other countries as it is.

Being on the air is a priviledge not just a job. All of these guy should be taken off the air because they have all insulted people and perpetuate the problem. No wonder parents teach their kids to be ignorant and insulting sexist, racist, bigots and homophobics.

Why do you think "hate" is popular?

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