Sunday, April 29, 2007

"The End of Oil"

a book written by Paul Roberts. Written in 2004. Gives great insight to the future of oil and it's end. I just read the prologue and was enlightened.

Some day the supply of oil will cease in Saudi Arabia. Our biggest suppliers are Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran. I'm connecting the dots here. The New World Order which the Bush administration is all for, and invowed entails all of the New World, the Western Hemisphere: North America, Canada, and South America all the way to the lower tip of Argentina.

We are aiming for an oil foothold in Venezuela (South America). We have already talked of "Iran is next" after we pull out of Iraq. See, Hillary has hinted at it, perhaps by mistake? Personally, I do believe that the United States is in such trouble and so beholden ed to so many countries and their oil supplies that both parties actually are forced to think as one.

I believe both parties realize and know already that when we pull out of Iraq, they will find an excuse to move the 100,000 private corporations established now in Iraq, next door to Iran. I think that England and the United States plot there moves together. England's troops have already trespassed and hinted at getting into trouble with Iran. Perhaps so we can move in and "bail them out"? No, not bail out, rather get a foothold in Iran for the real purpose of protecting our oil interest there. We have already established a foot hold concerning "our interest" in Iraq.

In previous speeches haven't you heard Bush slip in those very words regarding our foothold in Iraq: "to protect out interest there". Well, "our" interest there, is "oil". I'm guessing about 90% of our supply or there abouts comes from the Middle East.

I say, change the way we do business. It's easy thinking: Wind mills to produce electricity! Can you get any simpler? Okay, if you won't go for that Mr. Bush administration, how about like what Brazil "learned to do, as we should have done, back in 1974 with the oil embargo situation, and that is turn to renewable resources. Meaning use something we can grow over and over again. Simple you say? Brazil's economy is based on the sugar cane crop and believe me they do not waste a fiber of it. What is not turned into sugar products gets cooked up, fermented (like booze), into fuel. Yes, if they didn't add a poison to it and a bitter taste we could possibly have a bunch of drunken drivers leaving the filling stations. I can see the guy filling his car tank equiped with a cup in hand and slurring: " A little for you, a little for me!" Yes, if the "distilleries" that convert (cook) sugar cane stalks into fuel, didn't add something poisonous and ugly tasting, people could and probably would drink it and get drunk. I think this is fascinating personally how one country could become totally oil free and this year 2007 is there year to do just that.

In Brazil they drive "flex" cars with computers that automatically adjust the ratio portions used of petroleum and Ethanol (sugar cane) so that as Brazil's eases into an all Ethanol use country the Flex cars can adjust right along with progress.

We could be doing the very same thing here in this country and yes in some areas there is more Ethanol in the gas. We grow enough corn in this country and we could also use garbage to burn in our tanks. Then why don't we. Well, I think you already know the answers. Yes, at least two answers. The first: Government (our government), and industries such as oil and auto are making too much money on oil, hand over fit, to switch. Second: The government doesn't own every corn field in the country. In other words doesn't have a strong foothold in the farming business. To put it another way, they wouldn't make any money! You can't tell me this administration and it's cronies (daddy's buddies from way back) aren't making a killing on oil. Read Kevin Phillip's "The American Dynasty". A classic book which gives you the history of the Bush family and the Walker family. Bush was into oil and Walker's were bankers.
Oh yeah, way back when at the beginning of WWI 1914. Classic reading! Classic!

You realize that there is money in war. All wars boost economies and fill corporate pockets where usually some government people are associated with in the way of giving no bid contracts to corporate buddies. This stuff is so fascinating!

Well, I don't care if someone can make a buck but when it's eventually ruins the environment and melts glaciers and gets us into trouble then that's a different story. In other words, these guys are making lots of money, but not doing us any favors at all. They are so concerned and concentrating on filling their pockets and "winning" the race to rule the world that they have forgotten the real meaning of life. In the process of perpetuating greed, they are destroying the very planet around them. Once more they don't even care. It's so obvious to me. Greed is an enormous cancer that grows and spreads and quite frankly I do not believe that there is any cure for patriarchal, authoritarian, adulterated greed.

We, ordinary tax making, skimping to get by legal citizens of this country, come second, third or last after the illegals. Big money for a few comes first! Get the picture now? I wish that there was a "honesty and love all of mankind" pill. Where suddenly every one's hearts would be filled with love for one another and charity filled. Why, we could all have a piece of the pie and it wouldn't be an oil pie. I wish there was a pill to alleviate greed and promote goodwill. There should be more (women perhaps could do a better job of promoting love and goodwill?) women like Oprah.

Let's face it. These guys are out to win, kicking and punching all the way. They want to rule the whole world destroying it in the process. Who and what will be left on it to pass it on. They don't care it's the chase that's important. The big win!

It's for oil for god's sake..don't you see it! "My oil!" and "No, it's my oil!" Let's face it. These greedy people are holding back the progress and processes of mankind. I keep waiting for futuristic technologies we see so talenlyt displayed in the movies to "get here". Where transportation is clean and stream lined and ran by electricity or solar power. Where life is healthy, clean and naturally progressed. We as a society, as a global society, should be far more advanced then what we are now and things all things could be so much more cheaper for everyone. If only some people weren't so greedy!

If we were really a government by the people for the people, there would not be such a huge differential of class separation, which by the way is every growing more wider between very rich and very poor, on a daily "credit card maxed out" basis. The way our economy is headed - the middle class will be coming to an end soon. For years, so the rich could get even more rich, the middle class got the tax increases while corporations got the tax shelters and breaks. See where it got us? If the govenment continues to give corporations all the break and allowing off shoring and out sourcing of good paying jobs just where do you think that will leave this country. In debt ..until they go totally broke and homeless. And the tax base will be totally destroyed. Gee, how will Bush finance it wars then. Soon China will even give up on collecting or they will take over and own this country. We are so indebted to them now. What? Have we offered a few states as collateral already? I'm hoping these guys have planned ahead but I have a sneaking feelings they are only winging it. They are too greedy and wanting immediate gratification to even think about future conseqences or even trying to plan the future.

Now, on their own, and with the blessings of "our" [and I use that term loosely] government corporations are moving off shore to avoid taxes and investigation into ties with our government. Clue number one that government is in cahoot with corporations: No bid contracts to certain corporations in now headquartered in Dubai. Yes, corporations with Arab or Saudi in their names (non-American) are no bid contracted to "protect" our harbours and shipping ports. See where that new Home Land Security deal got us?

So much of our defense plan has become privatized ( and to me meaning unorganized and unsupervised by officials). How can the government keep tabs on all these private corporations? Where is the overseer? This appears as a breech of defense to me allowing loop holes for non securities.

I find it fascinating. But, I wonder just how far planned into the future do they actually plan. You know all these gray haired, or balded, white guys are getting older now. Will they past down their legacies to their sons who will continue on the destruction of the planet and therefore society's demise?

Can't we just have peace and share the wealth around the world? Is that too much to ask. Aren't you all just plain tired of fighting and killing each other? There is enough wealth to go around. Just how big of a vehicle to you need? How big a house? How big an ass? We are a society of greed and hedonism. We have to have it now, thus the maxed out credit cards. Max one out just get another the banks love you for it. Because if you default on their "creative" financing they already have gotten their fees and hidden charges and penalties so they don't care if you go belly up and have to declare bankruptcy and lose your house and your car. The government will merely work with the, rich getter richer, bankers (hello Walker dynasty) and make declaring bankruptcy that much harder.

Bankers (financiers, charge card holders) are geniuses. They rip you off every which way from Sunday with fees, penalties, slightly hidden secret charges and more. They are geniuses at it!

Just when is enough enough? Now I'm a spiritual person and I believe in living simply so that others may simply live. I don't have much but I'm very happy. Have I already gotten the spiritual message ahead of you? After all we can't take it with us into the next life. What we can take is subconsciousness (our souls {our minds}) and wisdom. I think I've been around a few times before.

This world could be running smoothly like an expensive Rolex second hand if we all have our hearts in the right places. We are all spiritual yet you sure wouldn't know it by watching CNN. Have these guys (yes, sorry to say, mostly guys) not yet tapped into their spirituality? You know we are all spirits visiting here on earth as human being. You do know that don't you? Death and eternal damnation is a church teaching manly used to scare and control you. Personally, I think these guys (government and yes, the church) are soulfully lost. I guess they do not know what manufactured true happiness. They can be rich, the top of the heap, but are they truly happy to "win". It's all about winning? It should be all about loving.

Kick out the greedy (sorry, mostly male) leaders who do not share their oil wealth (in Africa) with their people. They let their people starve or die of disease while they sit on the riches. The church is no matter. They hang all their wealth on the ceilings of cathedrals. It's all for show I guess. Sibling rivalry at best! "Look at me mom!"

When are the people of this planet going to get the message? Hey, it's not about one upping your buddies with a bigger house and bigger car. The auto and oil industry has the consumer over a barrel and you fell for it. They want you to waste and burn fossil fuels. They make more money the more you get into debt. And what do you get? An ulcer, perhaps? A broken marriage. Spoiled kids who are just like you, wanting to keep up with the Jones.

It's advertising, people..and you're falling for it. It's all for profit, they're profit not yours. You are being had! Get back to nature, find your spirituality, and get back to life and love. Because you are spinning your wheels right into homelessness.

There are no benefits for the homeless. The government provides nothing. Look at the poor people of New Orleans. They got ditched. You know why? They had already maxed out their credit cards and had no jobs. So there was nothing anymore to take from them. Are you next?

Many people are a paycheck and probably two months away from homelessness. Read "Maxed Out" by James D. Scurlock. Read "Green with Envy" by Shira Boss. Get them from the library and get enlightened.

Simplify and get back to the basics of life. You don't have to go to Luckenbach, Texas with Waylon either to realize the important things in life. So sell those diamond rings buy some boots and faded jeans and be on your way..

Skip church and get into yourself. Watch "The Secret", "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and it's sequel "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?" You will discover a whole new reality; one in which you do have some control! It's very cool!

Okay I'm done preaching. Now for my disclaimer. Hey, it's just me reading books, watching CNN, and regurgitating my take on things. But then I'm just the 800 pound gorilla in the room!

I love that commercial. You do know what it means don't you. See, your subconscious is the 800 pound gorilla. In other words you really know what you should do or how you should be you are merely denying or ignoring the real issues (kinda of like our present administration). I just had to get that last jab in :)

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