Thursday, April 12, 2007

Katrina forgotten...

and that is good bad! Mr. Vance in New Orleans had to fix up his own house. He did a wonderful job. It took their life savings. These poor people!

Some people didn't have the money and are homeless in New Orleans..still! Hey, Mr. Bush you are neglecting your constituents! What kind of a president are you?

New Orleans is getting very expensive and the homeless cannot afford the provided housing in New Orleans. People can't find jobs and are living under bridges. The swatters sleep amongst garbage and waste and wreckage.

People who do have homes are finding things are becoming more expensive. Rent has doubled. Jobs have gone. Places to live have decreased. The authorities know that there is a problem but HUD is acting very slowing. Nothing will be easy in New Orleans for a very long time.

There is help wanted signs all over in New Orleans. Thirty recruits in the police department just started. New Orleans does need a lot of help. The city needs the new blood they are tired of fighting with FEMA, HUD and insurance companies.

The population has dropped to about half and so has the work force.

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