Sunday, April 15, 2007

I could be liking this...

I'm hearing about more and more lesbians who have been married for a few years coming out and beginning new lives.

I think this is wonderful! Not because a marriage is splitting up but because it probably shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Of course, we all go through phases and stages in our lives. As someone once told me so my ex: Life is fluid! And personally I wouldn't want it any other way.

Why was marriage ever expected to be permanent? Who thought that one up? Oh, I forgot - the church! The almighty ( a few men writing up all the rules for everyone) church! Oh please don't come to me with this Moses story and the ten commandments. The humans (men) who created this forest of a story want rules in place so they could be broken and pagans would be sinners and need the church to "fix" them. The church in turn would become very powerful and plentiful in followings and profits.

Cuba Gooding Jr., said it best with "Show me the money" in the movie titled "Jerry Maguire" in 1996. Since then the enduring pop culture catch phrase says it all when it comes to finding a motive for any action taken.

Anyway, I'm so please that people are feeling able to just be themselves. They should have always been able to just be themselves. Twenty so years ago and beyond, if a woman wanted children she had to be married - will according to society and the church everyone was "supposed" to be married...yeah and live in hell like my parents. God (is he real?) it was awful.

The church as done such awful stuff in the name of god.. that truly, personally I do not believe that there actually is a god. No I don't! I pray to my spirit guides and to the universe (other connecting attracting souls). Don't you know that on the spiritual level we are all connected.

Just feel it...think about someone real hard and miss them and feel for them...and that thought sends energy there way. Why? Because according to "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and it's sequel - which I really love - "How Far Down The Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?" we are all connected. Yes, we are all connected.

I'm glad these woman finally feel they can come out and be themselves. Actually, spiritual facilitators I have spoken to in the past, say that when you reach near forty years of age... the real you begins to emerge and you have no choice but to be who you are.

Sad, but I have come to despise religion. Religion made up of ordinary men no better than myself...tell me what I can and cannot do. Seems we may even have better morals than they..better because we do not espouse an unnatural holiness, a superior self-proclaimed status as they do. In other words they feel they are above the law. In other words they our a bunch of hypocrites. Thank the universe I saw the light - finally.

No wonder, like these coming-out women, I am the most happiest that I have ever been in my life. There was no reason for me to suffer and be so sad all those years. We are born innocent and wonderful human beings without faults. It's the religious world that has corrupted up by brain washing us into thinking that we are evil! What? Evil? I never started war against other religions because I thought my religion was better than theirs! Now that's evil! I never laid down impossible laws just so they would be broken. I never commended any group of society like homosexuals. I never thought myself better than others and neglected one race of people. And I was never greedy and tried to keep a whole sector of people down so I would look even more powerful. Kings! So many men want to be in position of power and wealth! Why? So many men have "throphy wives". Why? Is it all for show?

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