Friday, April 07, 2006

The Dumming of American Youth

According to a newspaper article teens are coming up short when it comes to knowing certain basic matter regarding how money works. Kids didn't realize that stocks would likely offer the highest return in growth over an eigthteen year period. Most kids didn't know that they were responsible for a stolen credit card debt of $50.00. They thought they would have no liability. Perhaps the parents just handed them a gold card without first teaching them the value of a dollar.

Personally, I think kids should have to do chores and get paid in cash for doing them so when they get ready to spend their money they see how hard it was to earn and how quickly it can be spent on silly things they don't really need. In my opinion kids who learn this lesson pick and choose more carefully what they buy and decide if it is really worth it or not. They may even decide to buy something used rather than new.

Also they may have the tendency to not care what others think or at least not try to impress someone by material means. Kindess, caring and listening will attract more true friends rather than a new pair of the coolest Niki's.

Kids who learn the basics may become "tight" and "penny pitchers" but in twenty five to thirty years, if they sock all they can in their work's 401, buy a good foreign car and keep it forever, and live modestly, they may just end up being the discreet millionaire next door.

When I was very young and the truth still rings true today, many young men (and women, today) would start out buying a duplex, living in one side and renting the other side. This way they had deductions and the place helped paid for itself. It also helps to learn to be very handing and fix things or make upgrades yourself, if you are so inclined.

So many of the teens in the newspaper article didn't know the difference between a pension, 401k, or society sucurity.

Kathy Couric jumped all over the woman from "Seventeen" mazagine this morning, because it was making stupidty for woman look cute. Why show stupid people as roll models? These women's magazines have never ever done anything to really help make a young woman independent and confident in my book.

We don't want our girls acting stupid just to appear cute and there are many more who are very intelligent. Maybe it's the only way Hlton and Richie can get work? So why should the stupid ones like Hilton and Richie be placed as roll models? Like Jessica Simpson not knowing what was inside a can of "Chicken of the Sea" tuna. Honey, "Chicken of the Sea" is merely the brand name..sorry if that confused you. I might have been confused too, the first time I seen the name, but I think I was six at the time; and one time explaining it to me, took!

The newspaper article did not mention if kids knew how to write a check; more importanty today, set up electronic depositing and electronic bill paying at the bank.

So just what do parents talk about at the supper table? Oh, I see, statics say that on the average, families barely get together at the table to eat maybe one time a week. Yes, maybe one time. No wonder they don't know anything about social security, current events, debits and credits, bills, checks, 401k, work place benefits, or just how much it costs to live in this world and just what it takes to get by.

Parents should never assume that their kids will learn this every day common sense stuff in school. That is what supper time, excuse me, dinnertime is all about. Teaching your children common sense stuff, converation skills, and table manners. And finding out just what your kids have been up to. Warning them about porn predators on the internet, making sure they are not using their cyber cams for undressing planning to meet some pervert.

Time spent with childen such as this is priceless and bonding and beats racing them off to one of more after school group event. They'll get enough socializing and interaction with other students naturally. The time spent with parents, hopefully, two of them at the same time, is priceless.

Which brings me to the parents, racest parents need not apply. Maybe their kids are better off not hanging around them. I would hope that all parents are not prejudice. Kids are not born prejudice, but usually learn it from their parents. America is a melting pot, don't forget it; an extreme melting pot in today's world.

One show that depicts our youth's (and not so young) stupidity is Jay Leno's "Jay Walk" Hell, I feel like Eistein after answering for these people (Leno too, I'm sure). It's a hoot! He even says. "Do you want the 4th, 6th, or 8th grade questions". Well, they usually start out with 8th grade but then quickly opt'd for lower grade questions.

Most kids are very smart and are learning to be independent and not asking for hand outs or begging their parents. Of course, some poor kids, have it the other way around with idiots for parents. I pray for you all. Just take care of youself, get the most education and don't get pregnant until you have a great job with full benefits. Always keep a some money stashed away just in case you have to break free from an abusive relationship. Don't turn everything over to him or her. Marry someone who thinks like you do about the important things in life, like money, children and education. There are many out there looking for a free ride.

Okay, I don't usually preach..I just got a little carried away. Oh, and watch out for car salesmen. Do your home work first. Know what your monthly payment will be ahead of time before you go into the little finance office..because that son-of-a-bitch will try to slip in an extended warranty which increases our payment. Then again, if you are buying an American car....make sure you do get the extended warranty..and hope they stay in business for a few more years.

When I bought my Toyota, I had a amortization book along..yes, he did try to slip in the extended warranty...I caught him. Do your homework and do yourself proud.

I found you have to watch eye glass places too, like D.O.C. they do the same thing, by trying to slip in extra costs. I found Sam's was the best place to buy eyeglasses where everything is included in a package..super!

Work hard, get educated and get a good job and save for a down payment. If you can to ahead and make extra payments at first. Don't pay more than a week's salary for rent or house payment even if a lender thinks you can buy more..they are just looking out for themselves. They don't care if after a couple of months you have to default and they reprocess the house. They got their money up front with fees and closing cost. Never pay list price for home or car, barter, make an offer (low enough), and make a counter offer.

So learn all you can! Work hard, run, get plenty of exercise its great for your overall mental, emotional, as well as physical health. You will be very proud of youself and love yourself. Just don't partner up with someone who is a spender or one who will lower your standards. Partner up with someone you look up too and can learn from and respect.

My only regret is not coming out until I was 40, and then getting into a 15 year relationship right away when I did. Don't get me wrong it was okay at the time. We had a great time. I was a victim of circumstances so was she. There just were no lesbians groups or organizations. There were no lesbians..only awful blantant butch dykes and I'm not one. God, what a life I had.

Now I'm 58 and live in the city where there are more feminine lesbians; where there are lesbians, period. My heart aches for the tender, sweet young loving I missed out on. I had a younger woman recently; I thought I died and went to heaven. I am still crying for all the youth and years of loving I missed out on. My point, never ever deny your sexuality. No matter, what your parents, society, the stupid ass church, or government tries to tell you. They only want to control people for some reason. Oh yeah, there would be no need for them, if someone didn't need to be fixed. So therefore, they have to generate business and pick on a group of people.

Just please be yourself - always! I am so ready to die and come back. Next time, I will certainly be a lesbian, born to a loving, wonderful warm, nurturing mother. I will adore her. My father will be wonderful too. They will love me and encourage me to learn, and be independent and try new things. I just may be a doctor. I will be brilliant! I will be a lesbian who doesn't have to love secretly (the women never even knew, just thought we were good friends, no touching, holding or loving..not fair!) most of her life..but openly love that special someone.. and touch and hold her. I was so cheated! I was just born a little too soon.. that's all! I'll never do it like this again.....


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