Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Good Stuff!

Hello! I found a more relaxing format so switched. Isn't this much better..easiler on the eyes, mind and nerves.

Spring as sprung and I love it! I took my bicycle to get it tuned up this evening. After the half marathon, I'll be ready to roll. My goal to ride 100 miles in one day. It's been over a year since I've done it and I'm ready to see if I can do it again. I know a great place too. Where I am never too far from my car - a big loop around that is if the overpass over the two lane has been completed.

I'm running a half marathon Sunday and will miss the organzied ride in the area. Oh well, there will be more and soon. I hope J, and R&W ride a lot this year and K is able to. I'll miss D. But, don't think I'll ever see her again..she's running in other circles and I'm about finished with the group. I'm more into running and riding. Oh and maybe golf!

Yoga was good today. I was truly inspired a woman there is sixty-six and looks absolutely great. She should be very proud. I commented her. "No way?".

Thinking positive, good genes, yoga are all key I do believe. Oh, and ditch the gray hair. I hate it! Well, some look very attractive, but soft blonde or light brown is jut that soft and adds a slight subtle skin tone.

I'm trying to lose six pounds this weight. All I have to do is stay hungry. And when I do eat make it small amounts. I really didn't have much at all today accept Soy Protein 95 drink twice when I took vitamins. This evening I got a couple of pieces of chicken, asian style. I can pull this off; I know I can. I did it a year ago. Just make myself stay hungry. Go to bed hungry. I want a flat gut. I just have to get to 119 and I'm there!

I'm watching Paula Zahn on CNN. This 13 year old kid with a $20. web cam and instant messaging and was approched by youth pron predators. First shirt off and he got $50. bucks via paypal; then pants; then paid to masturbate etc. Then he was verbal abused when he wanted to quit; he could have been threatened to, I'm not sure. He thought they were his friends and then became sexual predators. His father began helping him getting sixteen year old female prostitutes from Mexico. He got a lot of money, got on cocaine and othe drugs. Finally told law enforcement about these men. These men threatened him. There were 1500 men who were out there trying to keep this pronography going. Justin was a good kid, an honor student, who was loney and just got sucked here. There are six hundred of these sites with people doing it for pay. These guys on the other end or making a killing. Just take the web cam away.

Social networking web sites are stalked by cyber stalkers. They pick out the young kids and then plan to meet them. The cops are tracking them becoming more common and brought out into the open. Many men makes trips to Taiwan to buy very very young girls for a buck; two bucks for a virgin. Just what kind of sick minds are we raising in this country and why are they like this; with out a thought for waht they are doing to this child. These men should be castrated publicly. No wonder men declared it a man's world from the the writing of the bible onward...they wanted to take advantage of women. Males had it in mind from the beginning of time; keep women weak and defenseless and under our control. For many centures women did not have the law behind them..and waiting for them and arresting the child molesters who are from all professional walks of life and they are wanting 13 year old girls and boys. These are men out there wanting this...sick men! One was a patrolman, a well known coffee shop manager. These people are sick to go after innocent children. they should be hung by their balls, for messing up these kids' minds....which is the farthest things from their thoughts. This one guy had to get a baby sitter for his own fifteen year while he went out and molested a thirteen year old...

Of course I'm sure none of this is new, just

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