Tuesday, April 25, 2006

natural high

Is it the new age music that rocks me; the smell of the last logs of the season burning this chilling evening.. Haa 4:44. It's always a good omen when I see cool clock numbers on my digital.

I'm high with delight today. I had breakfast with a sweet friend who thanks me for being there for her. Later, yoga on my 85 mile ride worn aching body. Now, glass of wine, Vito Linquine Tuto Mare, fresh spring greens salad, crackling fire, candle lite, incense of patchouli burning. Enjoying the sounds of music of the world salsa, jalipso beats. I'm in heaven with warmth and comfort all around with dreams of love making to come... I feel it in my core being.

I have time now in relax and enjoy the wonders of nature, of womanhood, and of life. I have time to test and awe of what my body can be pushed to do..run half marathons, ride practically centuries. I have vowed to complete a century very soon; perhaps, Thursday. I haven't done one over a year; it's time. My dear friend wants to ride some early Sunday when streets are vacant as Saturday nighters slumber late into the day; so I want to get this century out of the way so I can enjoy the day with her.

My goal is to arise before dawn and be out there on the streets at six to get out of downtown before rush hour even starts. Through the woods, along the river, over the bridge, past Lewis and Clark, onto the college and beyond on MC's wonderful trails. A thirty mile loop at ar0und and head back...easily over a hundred miles back to home hopefully before the rush of evening begins.

The most I have ever done was 111 (there goes the magical numbers again) a little over a year ago and that is probably what I will end of riding when I venture out Thursday. May the spirit be the wind beneath my wings.

I trust there will be no mishaps, no flats, no crashes and I will remain strong and proud with the wind where it needs to be to my advantage. My spirit guides will be with me..they always are. I am one with the universe testing myself when I am out there..and loving every minute of it. The mind is a marvelous thing and commands the body to follow through. I celebrate my gift of humaness..I am so blessed to realize life, love, my body are miracles to test and enjoy while I'm here....this trip around.

God speed!


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