Monday, April 10, 2006

Iran has oil?

Bush is going after Iran next. Because as he has said they possess the ways and means to make nuclear weapons and have stated that they plan to.

So Bush says that Russia, Germany, France, Britian, and the USA will join in this effort to go after them.

Do you think the USA will bomb the nuclear weapons plant in an effort to maintain peace?

Notice how this country doesn't wait to be attached anymore....and has become the attachers....doesn't that seem just a little scary to you. I have a friend who says she does what she wants, gets what she wants and then appologizes afterwards if necessary. Either way she gets what she wants. Has this country adopted that principle? "Gee, the information the CIA handed us was wrong." But who cares, at the time we had the reason to topple Saddam Hussein's regime and we did. Anyway, it took the heat off of the Al Qaeda and got us into the oil fields of Iraq.

Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq? He did not attach us. Osama bin Laden, terrorist Leader, and member of Al Qaeda, the group responsible for proliferating terrorists throughout the world.

Gee another country for Haliburton to clean up after we blow it up. Now wasn't Dick Cheney CEO of that company before he became vice president.

Follow the money..

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