Monday, May 01, 2006

Motorcycle Riding Lessons?

My ex works with Mr Motorcycle..yeah, she knows all about them. The other evening she was looking through the commuity college class schedule and declared she was going to join an all women's motorcycle riding class. Before I could even hear what I was saying I said. "Oh, I'll do it too!"

Now, years back I rode a rather small motorcycle around the block and I rather liked know the shifting and down shifting and all...the vibrations..the calf burns on the exhaust pipe.

I'm just hoping she traded the motorcycle lessons in for golf lessons she anounced that she was taking. I did sign up for that.

A friend of mine told me about a women who on the first day of motorcycle class ran the thing into a building...yeah dead. she was dead.

Another rider ran into a car..she's in a coma.

I'm out of here I thought... not for me. I'll take my bicycle along the shoulder of the road any day. Yeah, I chickened out. I told her I wasn't use to all that power between my legs. She said she didn't want to hear about it...the power, not me changing my mind about the lessons.

Anyway, truth be told, just between you and me, she's a wee bit clumsy at times. I've been bicycle riding with her and she like just falls over sometimes. A few times taking me down with her; the domino effect in action.

So she is my ex; she is my family. She is all the family that I have. So, I hope she changed her mind about taking motorcycle riding lessons. I was afraid to ask when she called earlier about the golf lessons and dinner tomorrow evening if she signed up for them. Her birthday is Wednesday, I'm taking her to the restaurant of her choice.

God, I'm asking you, please. Keep her safe! I want to be able to help her celebrate many, many more birthdays.....


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