Monday, May 22, 2006

She taught me...

.. families come in all forms, shapes and sizes and "family" is where the heart resides.

..she taught me that love can be beautiful and that nothing can compare to the touch of a woman.

..that some memories are beautiful and last a lifetime

..even after the relationship as ended that love can continue to grow.

..sometimes, I just don't get people. Not her, other people! Her I understand! stand up for my beliefs.

..that I'm not alone even when I am. realize that I don't do holidays either. realize I don't do relationships very well.'s not where you go, but who you are with that truly matters but

..that I want to sit with her in my arms on the beach, at night, and feel the wonder of life and the beauty of her soul and feel the mist off the ocean..and listen.

..that life is beautiful

..that it is better to have loved, then never to have loved.

..that love can (and should) be magical.

..that love exists!

..I could feel needed and that I loved feeling needed!

..that I would do it all over again in a heartbeat

..that it feels like it was yesterday when I held her close to my heart.

..that I can be free and be myself even while in a relationship.

..that we shouldn't take friends so seriously

..not to care what other people think, only that she and I truly matter. one is more important or better than we two.

..that I have a purpose

..that she has a good heart

..I could fall in love the moment I looked into someone eyes.

..I could see someone's past in their eyes.

..that all my magical moments happen on beautiful days and rainy days

..that she is still teaching me

..that I still have a lot to learn

..I can miss someone very much love, like there is no tomorrow

..that I never thought I could "want" this much

..that maybe I am okay

.. it's not my place to make decisions for someone else

.. I need to respect another persons' wishes

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