Thursday, January 11, 2007

China and Adoption..

USA singles need not apply Americans must be think, attractive, physically fit, between the ages of 30-50 with good pay. Not on anti-depressants with no facial deformities - go figure. Yes, only married couples can adopt Chinese kids from China. Yes, they were all white too and middle class.

Talk about picky! Yes, most were girls too, because China prefers boys over girls and they can only have two (I always thought one child) children per married couple. Scary, isn't it. Nothing like having your government rule your sex life and how you reproduce and how often. No wonder so many want to come to this country. Nothing like binding young women's feet!

Are rulers just plain male testosterone nuts? They sure like to play GOD don't they! Damn I hate men!

1 comment:

Cameron said...

mzzim, I understand completely about you "hating men". Perhaps a more accurate way of putting it might be: "I hate STUPID, POWER-HUNGRY men".


I hate those types too. Unfortunately, they run the world.

I've always wondered what it would be like if women ruled the world? I'm sure it would be better in some ways, but then again, it would probably present a whole new set of problems.

It seems that no matter the gender, power is irresistable, and is so often abused.