Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jeans not functionable

for little girls...even for little girls the jeans are uncomfortable and little girls cannot climb up on the swings and other features at the playground. Well mama Elizabeth on "The View" bought her little girl some larger with elastic "boy" jeans and now the little girl can play. Good for her! E said why should her jeans be as uncomfortable as mine? You go E.

My hats off to the members of "The View" who tell it like it is about this "needless and only for profit (for a few) war". It's Vietnam all over again. After the years have passed we baby boomers turn around at look at history and ask "why"? It was pointless.

It's the same now in Iraq all except Bush hasn't enlisted the "draft" yet! No, but the commercials directed to the "poor" run ramp id on TV targeting the proud but poor.

"Enlist" and get an education and a bright future! Yeah right! Enlist and find your ass in Iraq and your arms or legs blown off! This government doesn't give a shit..what's a life. Collateral damage they call it. In other words "human death and damage can be expected and that's okay". Killing is not murder during war - who thought of this dumb bullshit? The government or the church? See where I'm coming from? THEY do what they want at YOUR expense!

But, don't pay your taxes and they are after you like flies on shit! WE let government get too powerful. Watch your ass! If I show up dead suddenly or die of a suspicious'll know why!

Men in power are ugly! And other men that surround them "kiss their asses" because they are AFRAID to speak up! They too want a piece of the pie.

So, our stock market would be shit if we didn't have war.. I don't think so. War keeps the military industrial machine in money - a select few. So, I say manufacturer something else! Sell something else!

The few very rich in this country are in a oil, auto, fighter plane, helicopter building rut! If it's working - why change it. Wars have worked for the military industrial team in the past.. if it's working why change it. No war? No problem? We'll just get attached! We can do anything!

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