Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Atheist... I think I am becoming one....

I do not believe in the bible because human being, men in particular (excluding women as mere servants) wrote it to their own liking that would serve their purposed.

People have been killed in the name of the lord defending religions.

In my opinion religious people are NOT holy being, but self-serving, greedy people.

Blasphemy... a contemptuous act or writing concerning the lack of belief in god. check it out!
brian "saprient"...the Blasphemy challenge claims that religion inflicts fear into people. Post it on U2. "we deny the Holy Spirit".

Christians say. Paul de Virus says "Be careful you are playing with fire".

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with this because christian kids have been indoctrined with the fear of hell. If you believe in god you are errational.

Personally, I believe in spirituality. Brian was raised catholic and became a born again Christian and now he is a blasphemist.

a paster critic says atheism is misguided. There is even an atheist lobby in Washington. The atheist challenge will go on until the end of christianity..Brian and his wife is addament.

Join Nightline on to discuss this topic..

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