Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I'm still missing my dog.. Emma

I had to put her down a week ago today. I hope she is doing okay! I'm sure she is. She is probably chasing rabbits...well, she never did before but maybe she took it up since she crossed over.

Anyway, I used to walk her five or six times a day. Today, I only went outside twice.. to run and then to check for mail. Anyway, the bottom line is I have more time to write now.

I thought typing was to keep me from snacking.. but here I am eating nuts and typing too!

I'm watching J. Leno and George Clooney. Where is Bush when it comes to aiding Darfur in Africia. Bush is only interested in oil. I don't know why the crooks in Washington just don't tell us what they are up to. We are not stupid. We know they are putting our tax dollars into their pockets in the cover of "Haliburton" instead of spending "our" money on us and putting the money back into the sytem for AIDS, health insurance, jobs, homes and so many other social benefits we need. The government needs to keep "the people in mind" after all they are a government for the people by the people. Yea right! Buy that one and I'll sell you a war!

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