Thursday, January 04, 2007

Watch your back and

watch your mail..seems Mr. Bush has given the okay for the federal government to "check" your mail whenever they wish without warrant or apparent reason; maybe just curious, suspicious or a slow spy day. I feel they know what I do every moment..I don't really care either. There is "still" freedom of speak in this country. There must be (except for certain party owned media stations who are told what to report and not report) anyway we certainly hope so. But, educated American such as myself can read between the lines, we read, do not listen to ignorant, arrogant Rush Limbaugh and we listen to CNN and MSNBC. And therefore, we know that the federal government errors on the side of special interest groups of big business, the media never mention the real reason we are in Iraq. By the way, it's a one word answer beginning with the letter "o". Hint: It's a commodity in limited quantities and the whole world is in competition over it but the American "xxx" companies want the most of it and want to make the biggest profit margin from it at the risk of poisoning all of human kind and destroying the very planet we live on and it habitats. Profit is key! The message: Make all the money you can possibly make and the hell with life on earth or earth itself.

Nine eleven sure did big favors for the government and big business didn't it? What a convenient coincidence. Don't' you agree? A little too convenient as for as I am concerned. Big hint: Perfectly placed cameras to catch the planes actually hitting the building.. both times from different angles and directions!

We all know that our government and probably both sides of the aisle are out to please special interest group - a nice way of saying "big business" profit margins." Create a war: What a way to put your tax money into special interest pockets. Trickle down effect? No! Not when the major majority of profits gets paid out to CEOs and former CEOs and and extra-huge buy-out packages.

In the meantime, your good paying job just got shipped to India or another third world country and now you have to work, practically around the clock, on three jobs to keep up the type of living you have grown accustomed to. And you know you are living on the edge with one serious illness, or accident, or lost of job away from bankruptcy and homelessness. What about saving for a raining day - not possible. And retirement? Forget it!

And what ever happened to the "south of the border" problem with at least three thousand illegals slipping into this country everyday? What is being done about that? What bigger school for these kids so they get free education? Oh yes, and you, the tax payer, pays for it! You're so nice! Oh and free emergency medical attention! What? You have to pay? Oh, too bad - you or a "legalized" citizen; so you can work hard while others reap the benefits and take possible jobs away from you. Jobs you may not have a choice but work one day and be damn glad you have that low paying job because that is all there is. Between jobs getting shipped to India and Mexicans slipping through the border to work jobs don't stand a chance you are heading to join the homeless population which is every growing in number.

Yes, thank you Mr. Bush for NOT looking out for us. Terrorist my ass...this was was made up and all for big business and special interest profits. Hey, nice ride while it lasted; but, like everything else the American public has finally "caught on" to theatrics.

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