Thursday, January 11, 2007

Crazy Weather is on it's Way..

I ran/walked back from the gym and stopped by the grocier to pick up dinner. As I was walking the rest of the way home I was thinking how spring like the weather felt. I could smell rain in the air from the southerly breeze. The ground smelled fresh and earthy. The grass had just been trimmed and the pansies were wiggleing their bright and bouncing yellow and purple heads against the wind.

Ah, spring is here I thought. Who cares if we didn't get winter. Per the locals weather civilians, we have not had a "winter" to speak of for the past seven years. I was beginning to think in a tongue and cheek manner that maybe I do like global warming.

Then I heard the weekend forecast - not good! It's 52 F degrees at 5:19 PM but dropping but the arctic air pattern is coming. A cold front is on the way by 11:00 AM tomorrow morning and a winter storm watch is beginning tomorrow, Friday and end on Sunday. Yes, two days!

So there will be freezing rain late Friday evening and into Saturday morning and then more crap coming on Sunday.

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