Sunday, January 28, 2007

Christians and Muslins in London clash..

The Muslins in Britian have brought their beliefs with them and are demanding attention. At weddings the bride and women are in separate rooms while the men discuss the dowry. So I guess women are considered articles of property. Just how sad is that! Women are exclusively bought and owned by men in the Muslin community.

It seems the men can be persauded to do the evil deeds by being told they will be in high favor of Allah. The men who blew up the train in the London tunnel were considered Muslin martyrs! How scary is that? They can enter any country legally, and group and plan, and commit horrendous crimes and in according to their religious beliefs are considered martyrs and heros and will gain a high place in heaven! Gullible? You bet!

Scary? Extremely!

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