Saturday, March 22, 2008

And how about Florida and Michigan

I'm sure glad I don't live in either state. Nothing like having your vote not count because state officials are being punished. It's not the citizens fault that people at the heads of the these states democratic party are igorant or are they part of a scheme.

In his favor, of course, Obama could care less so probably nothing will be done. He certainly is the favored son in this election. So, he knew the votes wouldn't count (?) so he didn't put his name on the ticket. So he contributed to this problem. If he would have put his name on the ticket revoting would not be an issue...only if "the" votes count or not. I do not trust Obama. He's too sweet, to perfect. Remember what your mother always said. If it seems to true to be true - is usually is. I smell a rat somewhere here. And, so Hillary's votes just get kicked out? How unconstitutional is that. And why aren't the people of Florida and Michigan complaining.

Let's face it, we know what to expect out of the Clintons - a decent economy and no war. And if we chose our other option we have no idea that Washington won't end up looking at Detroit's politics in two years. How do we know that there isn't an obivious hidden agenda? Yes, I said obivious hidden agenda. Well it's obivious to me. It's called retaliation!

And why can't women band together and get behind a woman? It was always known that woman go after their own. I fear they will be sorry that they didn't get behind Hilllary. Obama speaks of the women's glass ceiling; but face it, he's a man first. I think I know which group his politics will cater too. It's called retaliation!

After learning he has been participating in Rev. Wright's anti-white services for 22 years I'm just slightly nervous. If the gloves fits you must aquit! And he will be president - ahead of the national guard and all national security. Yes, we might just get a well deserved lesson received in the next four years. Our just dues received. They are rightfully bitter - I can't blame them at all. Just don't be surprised. I think our forefather's will flip in their graves - and paid their just dues.

See, those in power have a way of favoring or not favoring certain groups. Remember our forefather's Bill of Rights. All men are created equal . And we all know that they were biasis and didn't follow their own rules.

And even before that, the ancient good old boys who wrote the bible - and weren't they slanted too - biasis. So, what's next? Just dues and retaliation - and we have it coming! So don't be surprised - is all I'm saying.

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