Friday, March 28, 2008

Stop Spending

I am trying to do better. Presently I am at a juncture in my life physically, monetarily and emotionally.

Physically, I need to lose ten pounds between now and next weekend. Yes, ten! I weighted 135 when I got back from swimming and working out and all I had to eat today before I got there at ten this morning was four Cliff sport bloc's with green tea extrace that makes me feel like peeing. But not real bad because I really had nothing to drink since last night when I drank water during the evening. I usually weight about 126 or 127. That's okay. But, I do not want to carry around these extra pounds as I run the half marathon next Sunday.

My friends are such dreamers and hopeless thinkers. They think because I do something physical almost every day that I can eat as I want. My friend suddenly got depressed the other day when we were walking. Hello! I'm not a miracle or an oddity. I have to work to be thin and healthy everyday. This woman in TV started walking because gas got so high and she started to walk to the train to go to walk. She lost 40 pounds and is off her diabetes medicine. She challenges anyone to join her. And she says a year from now that we won't recognize her. And she was happy.

My friend is over 200 pounds with bad knees - see! Nows she is out of control and buried in a very deep rut and my ex is getting right up there with her. And that worries me terribly. I need her in my life! Why can't these people get the message? Why are they self destructive?

So anyway - a couple of hours have passed since I wrote the above. I've sang and played my guitar. I sang and played Abracadabra. Hm, poor choice of words. Made me think of some things I maybe be missing. So I sang the song fast and moved on. I'm weakening.

Oh well, I've been listening to Oprah's Monday night class with Eckhart Tolle called "The New Earth". I sure hope this stuff wakes up and sticks with people because it's getting harder and harder to remain here on earth in human form.

Ok! It's time to draw something now and watch loads of recorded TV now.

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