Saturday, March 08, 2008

I think we are heading into Spring now.

Finally, hopefully the weather will warm and the sun will shine. With all of the snow we have had the ground is saturated. Any more snow or rain and the rivers will rise. Look out!

Oh, I know what I can gripe about this time around! Florida and Michigan! Hillary ran only by herself for the Democratic party and won in both states. I don't know about Obama. Guess he thought it wasn't important. Maybe that is why now they want to throw them out. I mean more details. All I know is that Florida and Michigan didn't follow the rules. Now they want to throw them out all together (Florida and Michigan). Party bosses are controlling everything...their votes are not counting? That does seem right. It's not the citizens' fault that the state officals can't follow the rules. They therefore lost their right to vote. And what kind of inside scoop did Obama have. And Hillary did think that she would do good in those states. What? Don't tell me it's going to be another crooked voting year like in 2000!

The Republicans play by a totally different rule book when it comes to delegates. They need for less delegates. Anyway McCain sweeped. These two states were brillant for the Clinton campaign now they are saying. And once again eighter years later..crooked Florida is at it again. Can't play the rules.

And whats in the worked now. Did they promise the governor second seat - V.P. Because he sure is hanging close by. Florida always makes it or breaks it for the Republicans. Here we go again!

I just don't like Obama. What doesn anyone know about him? Young people like, but hell, they go after any novelty! They think of him as the latest fad rock star. Means nothing.

I'm watching CNN and Bill Clinton is speaking now! He can brag because he brought jobs into the economy and things were looking pretty good up until the's busted. But I know a guy who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who lives in a penthouse. Now that guy knew when to get out of the investments and came out of top (penthouse).

We are helping China's economy. China, Japan, Korea and the Oil Exporters load us the money. We import everything too from these countries. I could go on but Bill Clinton does it so much better. Say as you may, but I know the Clintons could pull us out of the mess we are in where Obama is still learning how to get around in the White House. The guy has no history! He was in the Senate only one year and then I don't believe he grasped the technique of Senate voting. I actually think he voted opposite. Besides was he really around to vote "no" in 2002 like he says? Let's see. 2007 (I'll give him that) minus three or even four equals 2003! Hello? Where was he voting from? And then he talked about for "no" for NAFTA. He wasn't around in 1993? I don't get it? Hillary said she would work with Texas, Ohio, Mexico, Canada and corporations to make the necessary adjustments with NAFTA so everyone is happy. That's not impossible.

Many ideas start out good only to go asway or wrong and what's wrong with that - fix them. Obama go back to Illinois!

Okay not I'm finished for now. Back to the drawing board. I am drawing. I need to practice my craft. An artist who has a gallery took two of my pieces to display along with pieces from other Thursday afternoon artist. I'm afraid to send my friends there and I'm afraid to go there myself to see the display. I know there is an open house March 21st. I'll have to go and greet people and talk about my craft. Guess I'l tell my ex and she and her partner can maybe go there to see. Anyone else. I really don't want to tell. I know! I know!

There are too many wonderful artist out there... it's what moves them. Art is so personal. I wonder could I ever move anyone?

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