Friday, March 28, 2008

Hooviers could keep the next Democratic

candidiate. Al Gore thinks that the Democratic situation we resolve itself before the August Democratic convention. Everyone is behind Obama. I don't like Obama. I just don't.

People by the thousands are behind Obama. Hell, I can get out there and talk about hope! And Change! I just don't think that he can pull it off. Oh he'll win the presidency but that what? It's still the same old government. But they want Obama because he's green to Washington and will make a great puppet. You know, much like Bush Junior was - a puppet!

He's no JFK! See the Republicans make everything so terrible that people then have a tendency to go overboard and then the pendulum over-swings the other way. Bush should have been keeping on eye on loan companies, credit card companies, banks, and large corporations but all he did was cut taxes and then bail them out when they committed fraud.

And Allen Greenspan said "It was a disaster waiting to happy!" when speaking of the housing crisis. It was plain out fraud! Information on loan application were ficionized and passed through and accepted. Fraud! They knew in two years with wages not keeping up with the cost of living (more like - more and more jobs going overseas) that these people could never make the adjusted higher payment that would come up in two years. But, I think government knew and worked with these companies to hang in there and squeeze every bit of money out of these poor people.

Today on CNN people working for years in a tire company in Ohio will be losing their jobs. I believe the company is called Johnson. The heads of the company say cost for benefits and good salaries are drying them up that they can cut costs way down with extremely low pay and no benefits needed in third world countries. So much for patriotism! I hope this Johnson company does expect people here in this country to buy the products they make because people here are all losing their jobs to third world companies and will be broke. All of them. I don't care what field you are in - you will feel the crunch.

No jobs, no money, no dentist care, the health care, no going out to eat, buying less at the grocery store, walking to public transportation instead of driving.

In another entry I wrote where a woman I saw on CNN walks to public transportation because gas is too high and has lost 40 pounds - so far! And she was happy!

People do not realized happiness is a walk away - and it's true! So get up, and get out there and WALK! And don't just stroll along - I mean walk with determination. And for god's sake don't carry your purse with you. I should have told this woman in the park the other I passed as I ran that she was "asking for it". She was carrying her purse in the hand. Any punk could have ran up to her and grabbed and ran off! And she would have been shocked and cried... for being stupid! You can't be stupid these days. Think - and walk with determination like you are on a mission or better yet - pissed! Hate to tell you but Ipods are in danger of being torn off you and running off too.

Hey people - stealing is only going to get worse and more and more jobs go away. Everyone will want those fast food jobs and there are only so many. I bet McDonald's is making a killing!

Me, I've been eating out of my cupboards. I could live two months for sure out of my cupboards onlone. Lots of pasta and rice. In the freezer I have lots of frozen vetables. I'm trying to cut back anyway and eat less because I need to lose ten pounds (I'll be happy if I lose my gut). Oh, I have to hold it in! It's discusting! And I know my hips are wider.

I need to lose the ten pounds and go to bed hungry - it's the only way that I can lose it. No shit! I have to go to bed hungry. But, all I need is do it once and then I get into the habit. Damn, I didn't lose my appetitie with this last break up. Damn!

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