Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm worried

Oh, you know me, I just love to worry. My confidence is cyclical as is my mood and my spending mood. So, now I'm stuck and I need to save, save, save, save.

Even that irritating "Handy Switch" sounding sales guy on the commerical on CNN is driving me too crazy today. You know - the guy with the dark beard and high pitched voice. I guess I've worked off today's caffiene in-take other wise he would have driven me nuts by now. Short trip!

I find that I am very cyclical. Spring is here now. I'll be better I guess. I hope.

I just need to pick it up a bit. I walked to the gym and swam and walked back. Wlked four and swam about 35 minutes. I ran close to 11 miles yesterday - from home out and back in two different directions. Doing that is fine if you don't mind waiting on stoplights, running on sidewalks, and listening to traffic wiz by. I just may drive to the park tomorrow to run...and have my art stuff along.

I need to save money. Like everyone else, I'm feeling the crunch. Gas is higher and grocies costs double it seems. A hand full of stuff is $50. I don't drive as much and try to walk places more.

my heart hurts I miss the good doctor or someone like her in my life. Where is that sweet wonderful loving woman? Is that just too much to ask the universe? I should do favors for someone else. Oh, I guess as long as I'm sad and someone else is happy - that is okay? Talk about cyclical! I'm getting very tired of being this way.

Oh, I could go out with the girls on Friday evening - but what's the point. It's all couples and really no one meets anyone anyway. And women enmesh, I'm just that sure if I'm ready to be out them with "them". What's the point?

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