Thursday, March 20, 2008

In the news

Why am I not outside? It's beautiful out. But, I'll be leaving soon to go to meet up with the artist to draw with the group. I'm busy watching the local flood news on MSNBC.

I'll have my iPhone along with me today so I can check the videos during the pose breaks.

I should have walked there, the sun is shinning brightly. But, I'm favoring my knees tonight. I think swimming is hard on them too. The grass will get green now. We have saturated grounds and bright sun shine.

I'm fearful for the levees are breaking. Last night I went with my ex and her girlfriend down to the house to help move furniture, bedding and other things up high onto the second floor. The river was rushing 30 feet away from us with a raging determining sound. Water creeped three feet from the door. The power had been turned off and we an about an hour of daylight to hurry and move things. I was glad to get finished and get out of there. I took some quik pictures with my iPhone.

Driving there we drove through creek water streaming across the road..yeah right, there was little trees on the river side to hold back the car. Yeah right! I think they would have bend or snapped to enable our demise. In after thought I think we were fooling ourselves. The two women who lived there were going to have to drive back that way and other vehicles passd us too. I guess they're use to the river raging high.

I heard on the news that the Meramec river is highest that ever and expected too crest two days from now. Where we were near "the barn" they call it water ran in a steady stream down from the hill side across the road where we parked the car. I love my ex, she left the emergency flasher lights on, on her car. Actually there was much traffic going through there at the time.

They are good people. I think I just needed to be free, I have a few spiritual missions ahead of me and those are involving love, romance and sex. Yes, because that is what I want. And with very attractive, feminine women. Hey, they can be involved in my missions of good well and lesbian knowledge distribution. So many people I hang with have no idea that I am gay.

And the guys make gay jokes. Well, they are pretty harmless gay jokes but never the less. Better watch me, one day I make just open up to them. Of course, I'm conditioned, to be silent about "my condition" which to me is perfectly normal and the way life should be. Hey, it's love at least and - not hate or war (like the church and government and associated media espouse).

Obama is following (42%) following Hillary (49%) this morning in the Gallap polls. I'm for Hillary all the way. Pesonally, I think Obama see himself as the new savior or messiah come to save and unite us. I among others have an uneasy feeling about his relationship with the Rev Wright. Although a wonderful preacher there are kids sitting there listening to words of hate. What do you think goes on in Israel and Iraq and other countries of the middle east? Words of hate of perpetuated generation after they spin their wheels and kill and accomplish nothing really. The hate has to stop - I agree with Obama on that respect. But why did he associate with this hate preaching Reverent for years? I saw videos of hate speeches dating back to 2001 and the latest in December of 2007 and Obama sat there and listened to this stuff.. so he must have agreed with the reverend. But I will support him if he wins the primaries. It's up to the American people. I do understand where his supporters are coming from and if it doesn't fit you must equit.

I think about the one that I was seeing for about fifteen months. But I hesitate to call her in fear I would give me to lack of common sense side of my brain and invite her over tomorrow and then things would blow up while she was here, because I am not ready or I am "done" with the situation. I still care and have feelings for her but I think the situation should come to a rest and I and she should move on. It will be hard when I see her again at common events. I may have to skip the one near the end of summer; the one that brought us together. I hope I can get through this okay. I need intimacy like every one else. I know, this is a learning situation for me. And no two situations are the same. Oh universe help me.

Obama is trying to make amends. I think white voters were waiting for Obama to repudiate the Rev. Wright but he didn't. So, That that just upped McCain's and Hillary's changes I think and that is what they are saying on MSNBC.

Must go now... later.

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