Monday, March 27, 2006

Creating Balance

2006/03/27 8:51 PM
Like pieces of a puzzle many different aspects of energy come together to make the total balance of us. All the right combinations need to come together to give us energy, keep us joyful and with a sense of feeling satisfied. If we can achieve this then we are well on our way to being successful human beings. Isn't that our goal for every journey of life to discover love of self and others. I have finally found peace and balance and I truly think it comes from being the best I can be. I firmly believe working hard at exercising increases endorphins that gives us a sense of well being. When I was in my 30's and even younger, I never felt that I looked good. Now I look in the mirror and think I'm cute. I think it's true too that as I get older I truly appreciate life. I'm amazed at women now in their 30's who have aches and pains and don't think they are cute. Wow! Aren't things a little turned around? I truly do think that the fact that I work out so much keeps me healthy, filled with energy and sense of well-being. As Bette Medler said on her 90's "Divine" tour "I look good!" And she sure did. By the way she just turned 60 and will be touring again in the fall.

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