Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'm still flying high!

After the run, a woman who ran along side of me much of the way, complimented me on my steady stride and even pace. I was truly flattered.

I am still flying high. Wendy thought it is the kicked up endorphins and I believe it. My metabolism got a kick in the head. I love it! But I think the total of four packs of Accel Gel which contains protein, carbs and caffiene is contributing; especially the caffiene.

John who is six foot probably weights 150 or so, burned over 2,000 calories running 13.1 miles today; that's a full days worth of calories.

It was a fabulous day. I am happy and enjoying my life. I love where I live, so close to my friends and activities. Finally, I'm alive.

Oh and my ex-partner but still very good friend is happy with her new love. And I'm geniunely glad and happy for them.

No, I'm not feeling sorry, that I have no one special in my life. I had a fabulous love last summer. I will treasure the memories for eternity. But now, I don't know, I think I'm in a place where I am just kicking back, loving all my activities and the time I spend with my friends. I'm a happy free spirit in love with life.

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