Sunday, March 05, 2006

Run in the Rain

It's going to be an interesting run in the rain this morning. Actually, it's not the running that is bad, it's the standing around waiting to run that is a pain. Maybe after I register I can wait in the nearby grocery store. It should be open at six.

I have to leave at 7 to be there by 7:30 to register and the ran begins at 8:30. Only three miles. Piece of cake.

I'm going to try to run fast as I can the whole way. I energized! Friday at the 10th mile I was doing a pace of 8.45 and I maintained it probably for about three quarters of a miles...if only I can for longer.

I want to get this run over with it's 40 and raining lightly. I want to finish it in 24 minutes. Last time was 29. Yes, I feel that I can trim the time. I'll push it. It's flat around there in FV well O'F, close enough.

Last night was fun at K's clubhouse movie threatre. "The Princess Bride", pretty cute! And S didn't show up at all, like crowd email suggested. It was much too small a crowd to have to be presented with friction.

Guess, I'll take a shower. I have already taken a handfull of vitamins etc., and have been eating Krispie treats? Oh, Oh, remember the TG park after bagel and coffee? I might be in for trouble. I wish I had an orange!

Okay, time to get ready. I am taking extra clothing to keep in the car to change afterwards if need be; there is a bread company there for afterwards. Should be fun, they always are. I miss you.

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. If wishing could make it so, you would stay with me one night. I would cherish the moments.

Don't feel bad. It took me years to let my heart love. You maybe the truly first - you are. There is a reason you and I met and I don't think that it is over yet...there is more to the story....let's read on or rather write on. We'll write our without an ending..don't throw this away...I'm too here for you. I have never felt like this's too strong.

I'll just be here waiting.. there will be no action on my part only a birthday care the rest is up to you. There will be no action on my part remember that, if there is a spring thing you want to do, you must contact me. I will not, other than the birthday card, contact you.. only mentally and with my heart spirit guide to spirit guide. And M's is not for me...I prefer to run compared to hareming.

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