Saturday, February 17, 2007

24 today 54 Monday

Don't you just love Midwest weather. I do! Nasty weather gives me a chance to read, write, sketch, re-string my guitar for the tenth time. I will continue my task now that my shooting wire dart like puncture wounds are healing. I had no idea that busted string could shoot so far at such force. Practice makes perfect. It's called "learn your guitar" one busted string at a time. Then comes yet to be developed tuning skills. But I'm learning. I have already been back to the guitar shop twice.

Anyway, it's time now for yoga in front of the fire as I watch recorded Namaste yoga poses unfold before me.

Last evening my ex and I enjoyed pizza and "The Secret". Don't even need to own the DVD. Just Google "The Secret" and for 4.49 you can watch the 90 minute awe inspiring piece and bring peace to your soul. Maybe you were fortunate enough to catch the two shows Oprah just had on the film. It will change your life. You will be the happiest you have ever been because it is so inspiring.

Also, not long ago Oprah and another very inspiring show of older women posing nude for Dove. Very inspiring! I knocked off at least 15 years just by watching it, sitting up straighter and sucking my belly in.

The secret is anti-aging too. You see we have the power right in inside us. Our minds are very powerful tools and can work miracle. We create our own environments.

Not long ago every thing went wrong in my day. Because I was allowing negative thoughts to rule and come forward. I based my life on what I thought were other people's perspectives, as if they really mattered..or cared for that matter. They have their own lives to content with and their single comment should not rule my sex life. But, again, as the secret says....

Be careful what you put out there. See, I put it out there myself.. the fact that she is married. And of course, right away, they say..Oh no! You will be hurt.

Actually, it's been five months and so far I'm not hurt. Actually, I feel pretty darn good! She appreciates me and I her. What we have is magical and nutritional for mind, body and soul.

I am a free spirit and my creation of my life takes me to another who needs to be comforted and loved in a very special way. She needs to be touched and I will touch her.

Life is magical! Love is love! We are all connected. We are spirit being who come to earth as human beings to be loved, touched and comforted.

She and I are magical spiritual beings here to connect like energies. Like attacts like. What we put out there we get back!

It's so exciting!

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