Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rosie on "The View"

goes one on one with Elizabeth and Joy chimes in. I love it! Of course, I agree with Rosie's views usually, and Joy's.

They were discussing the Bob Woodruff's special last night and showed the clip where the guy tells Bob about the "gag" order the government has on the actual number of wounded and brain damaged soldiers as a result of the war in Iraq. Well, for one thing, the truth would discourage new enlistments. (my thoughts: instead they more or less trick possible recruits by making the service seems like a "vacation" of partying).

Bob Woodruff was lucky with his injuries and I'm sure since he is a while known journalist, he got the royal treatment. So royal, he is absolutely fine although he was in a coma for 36 days. I guess it took the brain that long to heal itself. God, the human body is so remarkable! The language center was destroyed in Bob says the doctors yet, he is back to work, wrote a book and was on Oprah and did this special.

Bob reveals so much about the war when he goes back to interview other brain wounded soldiers. It seems that many or most VA hospitals around the country are not equipped to work with such extended brain damage that these wounded soldiers are shipped home with.

Another show to watch is the ABC World News Now which was on very early this morning 2/28/07 for two hours.. I recorded it. It states the facts that many soldiers find out when they home that they are charged hundreds of dollars for their uniforms.

We need people like Rosie, even if she does get on a lot of people's nerves, because she make the viewers think! And she reaches many ordinary people who happen to be sitting in the auto repair waiting room and possible, hopefully, makes then think about what is going on.

Elizabeth defended the Homeland Security and said it was okay with her with they listened in on her phone conversations. Rosie thought they should be rid of Homeland Security and refer to the Constitution once again. She says thank god we still have freedom of speech.

Anyway, it's all very interesting and makes you think. Elizabeth still defines the Bush Administration. Rosie says the administration should be an administration for the people. "Bush works for us." Rosie adamantly states and I agree. Anyway he should work for us, but apparently the Bush Administration is working for the more than 100,000 companies in Iraq (and probably ready to jump at the chance to move to Iran) making money hand over fist. The money they are making is government money - your tax dollars at work people! Yes, your tax dollar that are not going into "your" social services funds but are going into the pockets of companies and "you" the tax payers are getting neglected and riped off.

The VA hospitals are not equipped to properly treat brain damaged wounded soldiers for one thing. The soldiers were never properly trained or safety equipped to begin with and once more, let's face it people, it's a war for the military industrial machinery profits. Again I suggest you watch "Iraq for sale: War for profiteers". Join Netflexs and get the DVD or go to Blockbuster and rent it. You need to be made aware.. after all it's your tax dollars at work here ..

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