Saturday, February 10, 2007

I need to stop eating in the evenings

after 6:00 PM. I nibble all evening I think. Anyway, my gut looks like it. Staying slender is work! A constant job! I can never let up! I must be very conscious of my food intake all day long. No joke! The running makes no difference. Trust me! I believe that my body's metabolism adjusts to to the amount of exercise that I do. Really! I ran five miles to the gym and swam for about 35 minutes. Than I ran back the shorter route, so I think that was about three miles. It was cold out about 19 degrees. And I still have a little gut. I weight 126. I know many people who are asking. "What is she complaining about?" But, for a runner, every ounce counts. Oh, I know what else it is...

I feel like sleeping in and not going to the usual gathering on Saturday mornings..but I guess I will set my alarm anyway. I prefer staying up late and then sleeping in late.

It's after midnight on Saturday morning.. and my eyes are falling shut... so I guess it's to bed with me.

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