Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Barack Hussein Obama smokes and for a long time now. He promises his wife he will quit. He needs to quit. He's got two years to quit. He said he is quiting! It's hard for me to imagine anyone smoking these days! It makes you look like an idiot! It's not cool! It makes you sick and most of the people who smoke can't afford them or the health insurance they will need when they get heart and lung disease from smoking. Personally, I think cigarettes should be banded. No wonder the government has the ATF (alcohol, tobacco, and firearms)..they know all three are dangerous yet voters want their bad habilts. Me? I enjoy margaritas once in a while.

Ellen just quit recently she announced. I didn't know that she even smoked. By the way, Ellen has "hot shots" in "W" the magazine..just in case you are interested in seeing them. You know she is hosting the Oscars..Too bad she doesn't dress more feminine..just a little more. Is it that age group? Why do lesbians think they have to be dykes? Well, just at least wear women's clothes.

Maybe cigarettes are even more adictive then ever before? I quit over twenty years ago! I'm a runner now. I quit and began getting into me with bicycling, tennis, and running.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

I don't understand why people are still smoking either, because the dangers are so well-known.

But it is one of the world's STRONGEST addictions, and difficult to control.

My partner James has smoked off and on for many years. In the nine years we've been together, he's quit about half a dozen times, but his smokeless periods never last for more than a few months.

He is now in a "quitting" phase, wearing nicotine patches. I sincerely hope (as always) that this time he'll stay off the cigs for good.

But I'm not holding my breath. He's gonna do what he's gonna do, even though he KNOWS full-well that I HATE his smoking!