Saturday, February 24, 2007

A fabulous day in history..for women

Wimbledon to Award Equal Prize MoneyBeginning this year, the All England Club will give male and female Wimbledon champions equal amounts of prize money. When Wimbledon began awarding money in 1968, it gave 750 pounds to women's champ Billie Jean King, and 2,000 pounds to men's champ Rod Laver. By last summer, however, the gap had narrowed, with Roger Federer receiving $1.170 million and Amelie Mauresmo receiving $1.117 million. Those who oppose equal prizing argue that men's matches are longer— they play best-of-five sets while women play best-of-three. More on the subject...

Is this truly not a day to celebrate? But, of course you see that it happens in England first! In this country male teachers are paid about thirty percent more than women and that is just an example of every non union job in this country.

Why are men paid more for doing the same job with the same skills? Well, I believe this goes back to post WWII years when men returned home from war and got their jobs back and women were requested to leave the work place so men could have the jobs to raise their familes. But, social situations have changed regarding marriage and family breadwinners. Statics state that over fifty percent of marriages fail and that women are heading households and families. But, once again there is that double standard that men set which I am confused about. It appears to me that look rather look after each other than their protential female mates? If you were a man and your wife worked wouldn't you want her to be fairly compensated and therefore a greater monetary contributer to the family funds.

How about fathers? Don't you want to see your daughters being treated fairly and equally. So, I'm confused my perspection still maintains that men watch the backs of their male friends. Men even take this to a personal situation level.

Case in point. A single lesbian friend of mine works for a graphing company and she does the same job with the same skills as a man who is married and has kids. Yes, this is 2007! And this man get paid more than she does. She asked why? Because he has a family! And I ask, as well as she - who's choice was that?

Is he getting paid more because he is following the "rules" of society and the church? Is he being a good ole boy following the rules? Is this segregation, bias, favoritism, prejudice, and male chauvinism?

Are males so chavinist that they "created" god in the bible to look like them. Made him human and male and of course he was above women therefore never married. No, I think the priests wanted god to be like them. Men wrote verse to declare women lessor beings, better at care giving and servitude jobs. You know jobs without glory and beneath men, according to men. They set the rules. Do you see what I am getting at here.

Did men of old before they made up "Christ" know that women were equally powerful; that the power if we should to tap it, lies equally within each and every one of us.

It common nature for males to dominate, conquer, rule and kill if necessary to claim their positions of heirarchy. They must be in control of the situation and dictate to feel secure and safe.

But, I believe society is evolving some. Young men will sit in the passenger sit and let her steer but probably he is directly from that passengar seat.

As a kid, my father and brother were both self-appointed authorities on every subject and preached constantly. He knew everything! There was no discussion. Automatically, if you were female, you were overruled and admittedly stupid. And women still wanted to get married! I could never understand why a woman would want to live under some man's thumb. It was so sad and depressing to me. But, once again women were told this was your lot in life. This is what is expected of you. We say you can be a wife, mother, librarian, telephone operator, nurse or teacher. Many women became nun because that was encouraged for the more rather male decided homely young women.

Don't get me wrong there were some domineering women and the poor husband in those cases really took an emotional beating from their male friends.

It all seems like another life time past. The dominance, the evil chruch, the non smiling faces in photos and all for good reason. People were unhappy. They were suffering from identity issues. They had no free will. "Do what you are told."

"Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!" No hugs, no kisses, no love! Lots of emptiness!

Thank god that was another lifetime passed. Is that what they mean when they say as spirits we live many lifetimes? I know I am in my third now.

I'm progressing and getting happier. There are many more magical moments because I plan and request them. I order them! I want another woman in my life. I want her to be artistic and look like Helen Mirron. Is that funny? No I think she is attractive. She's 61.

It's hard to belive that I am close to that age. Well, I'll be 60 in September. It's funny! That number certainly does not fit me. I'm cute, blonde and hot in my two piece. No really, not bad at all. I feel more like 35! It's magical! I'm very fortunate and I know it! And I thank the unverse every day. Being grateful is a big part of having a mystical, magical life.

I'm the best I've ever been! And feeling elated as I do about myself, my youthfulness only attracts more of the same. Like attracts like!

Our emotions and mental states are "us". It's who we are! If I say I feel and look 35 then I do. People see me as I see myself, this wonderfully happy, playful, youthful spirit!

This is the time in my life to embrace the magic of my spirit. The wonder. I can do anything I wish to do. Think it, be it! Watch "The Secret"!

But, the desire must be there. I have a friend who saddens me because everything she does for her health physically injures her. Do you know what there tells me? She is not ready to be healthy. She is fighting it for some reason! She is definitely not into "her". And I wonder why not.. we are our most valuable and precious gifts.

I always view my spirit and my body as precious gems. Priceless gifts! I respect and love myself, my body! It's a gift! It's the most priceless gift you will every receive and yet we abuse it and not love it. How sad is that?

So many people are so lost and don't even know why they feel unhappy or sad. I think I know where I stand. I think love relationships and coupling up with another is fine. But, I don't want one. I lose myself in relationships. Because my childhood enterpretation of being loved is giving and doing in exchange for a possible sign of affection that never came. I related to friends this way and lovers and then a partner until I couldn't do it anymore. I got to the point where I hated my I had to move away and separate.

And now there are many magical moments because I let them in - I create them. I wished for my lover and she is in my life. Now I want another.

You know that saying? "Be careful what you wish for!" Well, it's true, consciously or subconsciously be careful. Because you create what you maybe unknowingly wishing for. I want magical, mystical, beautiful loving events and moments. I want to run like the wind. I want her to come to me. I want her to wrap her arms around me and hear her sighs of want...magical moments. Life is precious! Life is magical! Life is beautiful and filled with so much love and good well.

Wouldn't it be magical if air pollution or global warming changed our chemistry and we became loving, giving, warm people. Suddenly men would wonder why they are fighting their brothers and wonderful friends. The air we breath would turn to love in our lungs and get circulated throughout our bodies and out into the world.

Suddenly big industry would ungood selfish acts and only think of the good of mankind. We are building electric cars for the good of mankind. Love and honesty would rule everyone's hearts.

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