Sunday, June 25, 2006

Fabulous Pride Weekend

Not only the weather, but the people were friendly and warm and I re-connected with many old friends and made some new ones.

Walking in the parade with our walk/run group was a joy. I didn't feel as conspicuous as I did in years past walking for the gay organization at work. It was new to me then. But, I must say even then the support of the crowd truly boost my faith in people. Today the crowd was huge and very welcoming. Each year the parade grows with more and more organizations and businesses joining.

Maybe I'm just getting use to handling the crowds; or I just don't care. Maybe I have more self-confidence. Maybe I have learned a few things along the way through the years about people.

One thing I did learn is that the universe is truly with me on the dating and relationship issue. I was spared and didn't realize it until today. Here I was heartbroken because the gal I was emailing ended up with someone else; or so she harm, done, anyway doesn't matter! And now all I have to say is "Thank You" to the universe. I was spared! any awkward moments. Instantly I knew she and I would not be compatible. It was obvious we would not click.

Wow, channel 5 gave us 5 seconds at least on the parade. I'm not surprised! It's okay, what they did show was good.

It was a great weekend! Hopefully, too we will get a bunch of new members in the walk/run group. Last year we were very successful and this year with having exposure in the parade gave us a huge boost. This is our first year for our group to be in the parade. A huge success.

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