Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sleeping In

I plan on sleeping in tomorrow morning, for a change. Lately, I have been getting up early to run with a new women's running group. They are straight I assume.

I thought I saw Teresa in a shop this evening. But, I think it was wishful thinking. But, maybe not. I felt eyes casted upon me; when I looked up his eyes were down paying her bill. There were certain things about her that made me feel it was her and then again things that made me think later that it wasn't.

Oh, how we see what we "wish" or "choose" to see. Well, I do anyway. My whole life has been a fantasy. I majored in pretend and make believe to survive this lifetime.

I can't wait for the next lifetime.

I'm sleepy, got up early, I'm bushed. Good night!

Universe grante me love and love making. Thank you for all of my blessings and the blessing of those who forget to thank the universe.

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