Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Today's Libra Horoscope

"June 6 An intense letter or phone call could come your way today, perhaps from someone whom you haven't seen for awhile. You might find yourself running a lot of errands in your near neighborhood, or paying some visits to neighbors or relatives. You could also spend a lot of time reading, perhaps doing some research for a project of your own. If you've been thinking of starting a writing project, this is the day to do it."

Hmm, I love to read and write. And there is only one person I want to hear from..whom I haven't seen for awhile. I want to take her to the beach...just her and me. A simple trip..we'll camp if she likes..spend our days under an umbrella on the sandy beach listening to the waves and sea gulls and feeling the mist and warmth of the sun. We'll sit amongst our kind...a woman's beach. It's not crowded. It quiet, calming and relaxing. I already have the beach chairs. But, I might get some that we can rest our heads back on and nap. Hmm. Anyway, it's my desire, wish and dream. Take your arts along to sketch or draw, I am. Reading! Writing! All the above.. it's a time to reflect and get in touch with our inner core; our spiritual side. It's a wonderful place to dream and feel life as it should be! We'll watch the sun and moon rise casting silver rays sparkling on the ocean waves and ripples. We'll stroll the beach; get ice cream on the boardwalk and little town streets shops to wander. I'll try not to get on your nerves or make you mad. I'll respect your wishes and desires. I want, possibly your first, visit to the beach to be spiritual and magical. Just you and me - no one else.. need even know we are going.. no invites...just we two! This is special, this is life changing, this is spiritual. Once you have seen it you are not the same. The ocean never changes (well not really) and it's timeless. Can we go? Is that possible? If not interested - I'll go it alone and sit on the beach and meditate, dream, read, draw, and visit with other vacationers.

The research? Yes, for my project: To the beach!

Universe! You work fast! I would love to hear from you.

Yes, I was going to "walk" my errands and yes, probably I would speak to neighbors... I usually do!

It will not be relatives... for certain! Long gone and out of here! No desire to see them!

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