Sunday, June 11, 2006

"An Inconvenient Truth"

An eye-opening, illuminating and disturbing documentary in which former vice-president Al Gore warns us of global distruction from global warming. The film is excellent!

In it he tells us that the U.S. is the worse offender and U.S. automakers are the worse offenders of any auto manufacturer surrounding the globe.

He encourages our use of renewable resoucres. He warns that we need to put creed and political gain aside to save the planet.

People need to take serious action to save our planet and to provide a home for future generations. As our population grows (and it is doubling every forty years) the oceans warm at an even quicker rate causing glaciers to melt and shorelines to disappear all over the world

Please conserve and recycle because noticable damage is happened at a faster rate than what was perdicted in the past.

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