Monday, September 04, 2006

Cool but damp

It rained earlier now it muggy and damp. I'm tired and it is time to go to bed and sleep; but I fight sleep. I always have. I had a little caffeine today which may not be helping.

Eating with friends reminds me that I am setting myself up for embarrasment if I can't sing and play well on the float. Why did I commit. L talked me into taking my guitar. I thought maybe I would leave the mic and amp at home. No take it. You sound good. mic and amp demands authority. I'm getting chicken. Where's my confidence? Where is my self-love.

Physiclaly, I feel fabulous after riding 41 miles yesterday and 37 today. I feel great. I could ride some everyday. I was just out exploring the city and took advantage of very light traffic this holiday weekend.

Hopefully, the universe will be with me.

I looking forward to seeing the young traveler tomorrow evening. I will want to hug her but will be afraid too. And my latest new "friend" will be there; a friend, of course.

I'm in a real pickle. I'm not the correct age for anyone to consider going out with me. I'm lost, so lost! I think I'm adorable and very lovable but no one else does. They act like I"m a high maintenance freak; or is that merely my imagination. Hell, I can out do most of them. So what is it with me? I will get back what I put out there so I keep telling myself.

I'm not datable material. Oh well, I guess the universe has a plan for me - somewhere, sometime. Hey, I am getting younger but I need this now.

Why do you think spirits come to earth in human form - to get the intimacy! So where is mine! I"m been so cheated. All those years wasting my time with meaningless relationships with men. Please I need to get some of what I so missed. I so need the loving touch of a woman. Don't let me die like this, please!

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