Monday, September 18, 2006

Get Moving!

I need to get my butt out there and go for a run!

Ooh, the neighbor girl is cute! I love this neighborhood! I sure like living here and seeing all of these cute things, so independent, working and calling the shots! Why get tied up with these guys; find a nice woman! Anyway, can't change your orientation, I know that. You can experiment and just "get off" but you can't change your orientation. Bottom line: it's where your heart is!

Anyway! My Ex is trying to decide. Well, it's been decided for her - but she has to do the work! Of course it's easy to say scrape the popcorn off the ceiling. Even the guys are saying it's very hard to do! She won't be able to do this I know. She's not that strong! And her girlfriend says - it should come down but she isn't offering to help do it!

Why in the world my ex listens to half these people, I'll never know! She has good intuition! She should use her gut feeling! It makes me mad in a way when people offer their beneign, unknowing-the-true-facts opinions and are not planning to help do the work! Put your money where your mouth is - what ever happened to that? Anyway, it just makes me mad when people pipe up and think they fucking know everything without doing any research! I"m getting on the internet right now and doing the research

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