Thursday, September 07, 2006

I love her!

She is just the sweetest thing with the biggest light green eyes. I love her. We had fun in the park this evening. Our drill Sargent R, lead the way for the walkers A and I joined them. So did the faster ones for a while. We ran five minutes and walked ten. We had fun! Our leader/drill Sargent kept taking us farther out just when we thought we were about finished. Even a couple walkers who do not normally run, did the run walk thing. It was great!

On the way there I prayed and requested the evening to be magical and it turned out that way. Especially when C asked A if she had family here and A said "No". I said we are your family. We'll be your mommies C and I told her.

She just touches my heart with her sweetness...I can't wait until the next time I see her on Saturday. I'm sorry C can't make it. I really like her too!

I would like to become closer to A. We'll see maybe some evening I'll fix her dinner and she can bring her laundry if she doesn't have a washer dryer handy.

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