Thursday, September 28, 2006

Did I

actually pay $3,000. for a computer in 1996? Amazing! It was probably a 250M with a 56K modem. I remember it was the first time some one say "Hi" to me in instant message. I freaked out and dropped off!

Don't you just love electronic gadgets and thingamajigs. They keep getting more efficent, smaller and cheaper!

I did; however, trade back my Motorolla camera flip phone to a simple cell phone so I could hear my messages and those who called me. My friend has a similar problem with the Razor phone and she can't heard her phone calls. I do not care that my phone doesn't have all the bells and whistles, I just feel so fortunate that I can hear my calls! Just give me the simple life, the simple cell.

Maybe I need to get an Ipod Nano so my NIke running shoe will talk to me. Oh the things they do with software!

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