Sunday, September 03, 2006

I rode 41 miles this beautiful day

I rode to the hill to meet the others for the ride. There were six of us. I rode with the little slower ones. Why rush? I want to visit with my friends.

Well, I could have visit with the faster ones too; but, I would have had to work my butt off. As it was one in our little group and an easy time up hills. I need to lose ten pounds I think? Think! I know. Maybe this week I'll concentrate of losing ten pounds form 126 to 116. Dare me? Never dare me; because then I really dig my heels in. I love a challenge!

Okay it's 6:00 PM so I will not eat anything else the rest of the evening. That is the secret people! I certainly got enough exercise today. I rode 41 miles. My thighs ached on the hills but I kept tugging away. I have wonderful tenacity.

What a beautiful day; it's only 70 degrees but the sun is shinning so I had to turn the A/C on for a bit. On the clouding days we had this week it was comfortable in here without it on. I can't understand the people who say. "Once I turn the air off, it's off for the season so I won't turn it off. Besides if it's cool out it won't run anyway." Yes, it does. It runs to keep the humidity out of the air in the house. I turn my off and on as needed.

The way went fabulously today. I rode to the hill to meet the others. Then we rode 24 miles throughout beautiful neighborhoods. Traffic was low and even bicycle traffic was low. I guess we all were spread out enough.

We have a fabulous time. Afterwards three of us went to breakfast then watch the bicycle races that were occurring for a while. Then I rode back home. I love riding bicycle and especially love riding with my friends.

I belong to a fabulous running group because we not only do running things but we do other things that are fun too. We are a great group of people and our group is ever growing.

I am truly blessed. If I had to pick out a magical moment so far today; I guess I would have to say the whole day so far. I am content and happy and enjoy my friends.

I miss the little young'n who went out of town and can't wait to see her on Tuesday evening. I can't wait to see L either, the one I walked with on Saturday morning.

Last Tuesday even though I didn't walk with L but ran; she and I stood and talked for about thirty minutes after everyone left; or was that Thursday when I did walk with her after it rained. I think it was after it rained.

I ran by myself on Tuesday and talked with her afterwards. Well, I'm the slowest woman runner if Lauren is not there so many times I come in along. I don't care. Sometimes I actually prefer that because it is hard for me to run and talk at the same time. I'll get better after I lose the weight this week. I can hardly wait; or should I say, I can hardly weight!

Life is good!

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