Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm only human?

My horoscope today suggests that I not be so hard on myself, after all I'm only human! I beg to differ! Oh cont-are! I am a spiritual being occupying a human body while visiting here on earth. I am not merely human.

This is what organized religion, society in general, local, state and federal government would like to have you believe. That we are mere mortals. On the contrary, we are as spiritual and powerful as we allow ourselves to be while in human form.

I can create my day and make it magical. I chose my parents, time and date of birth and my body type! I choose my health, safety, and intellect! It's true! We are in control, yet obstacles, such as other clueless humans mess it up for me and others who realize their power.

Other human, especially males, who wish to dominate, rule, conquer, and kill to get what they want control the majority of the human race. And most people fall into their traps. Most people think it's easier to follow than to lead. Well, and men are pushy. It's their birthright they feel, to take what they want.

When I was growing up women has no social status; men were honored and male children celebrated. Life was awful! My parents were cruel and cold! Male children were favored, women were expected to get screwed over and be Marilyn Monroe's on Valium, the sedation drug of choice. When women felt powerless and trapped, doctors created zombies of them.

In not too distant years past, women had no legal power or special social status and this remains true in the Middle East and Asian countries. Who makes these rules, why the very men who wrote the bible, it's all bull shit! And people fall into this stuff. People are so easily persuaded and men are weak and follow right along and their wives weaker yet and follow them - like a bunch of ditto head zombies. I have no respect for any of them. They do not want to read between the lines and follow the money!

They want to believe that the church and government actually care about us! What a joke! People get real. They want your money and your life if it serves their purpose. I probably take a chance writing this. Collateral damage means nothing to them; anyone gets in the way be dealt with! We are mere peons. All mighty, especially white male leaders, need and want peon, for without them they are nothing. Men are ignorant as hell and will sell their very souls for a piece of the action and power. Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice, made it appear that he would represent his race, but after he got appointed, he has become an extreme white male conservative. The hell with the rest of the people of his race, he wants the power.

Republicans rule and another will be elected in 2008! Why? Because they can - new electronic voting machines. Hey, it's been done already in Florida and in most of the important voting states. Follow the money people! War? Oh, for profit, of course. Why do you think we had VietNam and now Middle East? To protect the oil and make money for the war machine. Yes, we found excuses to get in over there.

I believe at first Bush was afraid. He didn't have a clue, now he is wrapped up in this ego trip; after six years he has finally discovered the power that he has. Talk about dangerous!

Yes, it's the Carl Rove, Dick Cheney show starting our, and yes you well like him, bobble head Bush, the clueless puppet. Of course that is what the money machine likes and that is people appealing (because basically the public is stupid and will believe anything you tell them) bobble head puppets. Poor Colin Powell had to lie holding that cheat trick picture with the lone white truck carrying enough uranium to blow up the world. Oh come on, such theatrics. Are we really that naive or is it we just plain do not want to see?

Oh well! Who cares? So far it's all working well. Oh, the air may be making people sick and melting away our shorelines. Oh, but it's worth it to a very rich few while the middle class shrinks along with our shorelines. God bless America! Oh, and according to the president, this is what the American people want - gas guzzling, little dick big ass trucks that are killing machines on the highways. Oh yes, big business, oil, tobacco, government, and auto industries are indeed looking out for our best interest and the clean air you breath.

What the electric car with no maintenance required, only rotating the tires every six thousand miles and keeping the air clean? Oh the American people; they don't want that. No the auto industry is in so cahoot with the oil industry and government that they will all stay gay and married at the same time until the very last drop of oil gets pumped out of the middle east.

Have a great day in wonderland!

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